The muffin batter was very wet, but I remembered there was a lot of baking soda and figured it would all work out. It did, they are a different texture than my favorite banana muffins, but still good.
When I got the can of pumpkin out, my son asked if I was making pumpkin pie, it's his favorite. I've never made pumpkin pie, but after my muffins were done, I looked around at recipes to see what I could do with my almost 1 cup of remaining pumpkin.
I found a few recipes that I thought might work for me. A couple constraints I had were that I didn't want to make and roll out crust and also I wanted to use milk instead of condensed milk or half and half. One mini pumpkin pie tutorial I liked was from Honey I shrunk the Gretchen.

The pumpkin pie recipe I used was for two pies. I quartered the recipe as well as I could and my son thought it tastes perfect.
Pumpkin Pie Recipe
Almost a cup of pumpkin
1 egg
1/4 cup skim milk
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp cloves
Sprinkle of nutmeg
Sprinkle of salt
I placed them in the previously baked (5 mins at 375 degrees) graham cracker crust and baked them for 10 minutes at 400 degrees and the reduced the temperature to 350 for another 23 minutes until my toothpick came out clean. A good use of my leftover pumpkin.
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