
Monday, January 7, 2013

Knitting Scarves

My Mother-in-law has knitted some lovely gifts for us over the years. This year Sydney got a new scarf made with a Pom Pom yarn and Kessa got a red jumper. Kessa thought she would like a scarf too, but like Sydney's scarf she received last year which was in a pink fun fur.

We headed over to JoAnn's and picked out some new yarn. We found a multicolored thick yarn and purple fun fur. That afternoon I got out my knitting needles and started making the scarf. Right away it all seemed too tight and I wasn't sure which stitches I should use. It seems that I know a bit about knitting, but not enough.

After taking it out and starting again, it still wasn't right. My mom knits also. I gave her a call and she recommended larger needles. I picked up a set of 15s and some regular weight yard. Coupled with the fun fur, this combination worked very well. The scarf took shape quickly, but it isn't the perfect stitch. The edges rolled in a bit and there is a right side and a wrong side.

At the store, Sydney had picked out a Sashay yarn to make a frilly scarf. I wasn't sure exactly how to make that kind either. My mother in law was coming to visit the next day and she got the scarf started for me. It's very easy to make because the "yarn" is so wide. It was fun to start and finish it in one day.

I decided to test out a pattern from the Red Heart website.  I added some of the extra fun fur yarn in stripes for Kessa.  She is hard to please apparently!

Finally one last trip to the store for more Sashay yarn and a small scarf for Kessa and a longer one for me.  :)

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