
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Class Trip Preparations

My son is headed off on a three day class trip to Washington, DC.  They will be going by bus and it is a long drive.  I want the trip to go smoothly for him and tried to think of ways to help.  I have encouraged him to always put things away in the hotel room and on the bus to minimize losing things.   Having a "home" for his things will hopefully help.

Food was my first thought.  I want him to have snacks for the bus and also in the hotel at night.  For the bus ride, containing everything in one spot within his backpack seemed like it would help.  I found these nice reusable bags at Target that are clear.  I look forward to using them in my bag too.  Keeping things together and organized makes things easier!  The plastic-like material on these bags is very soft and pliable.  These would be pretty easy to make too if I found the right materials.

Next I decided to make him a luggage tag.  Making things for him allows me to feel like a little part of me is along for the trip.  I used my even easier luggage tags tutorial.  I think sometimes I have taped the plastic to the fabric before sewing it together.  Keeping the plastic layer straight inside the two layers of fabric is tricky.

He will be taking along his iPod and iPod accessories.  After deciding not to make a bag, I searched around at Target for a small bag to contain all things iPod.  The camera bags were too expensive and not the right size.  The lunch sacks were all too big.  Finally in the cosmetic department, I found a nice small bag that looked acceptable for a boy.  It was approved by said boy and everything fits nicely.  Because I'm still concerned about him losing things, I added a leash on the bag tucking it in a small opening near the zipper and stitching through all layers.  And while I was in the sewing room, I installed a little loop to hold in his iPod strap and made velcro straps to wrap cords up nicely.  The iPod will fit inside as well.

I made a couple last minute additions to his bags. I attached a couple metal clips in the backpacks to attach important things like his wallet, camera, and iPod bag. This way when he pulls put his jacket, the other items won't get pulled out and lost. 

Now we just need to hope everything makes it back home!

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